Juju Smith-Schuster’s Hilarious ‘Great Escape’ Moment: Steelers Star Catches His Dog’s Wild Breakout Attempt for a Taste of Starburst!

It was a moment of intense focus and concentration, but with a quick running jump and a lot of determination, Pittsburgh Steelers star Juju Smith-Schuster’s little black and white dog, Boujee, performed his own prison break.

The dog managed to climb up the railings of his own enclosure which was supposed to keep him safe and secure. But the temptation of a packet of sweet and sugary Starburst was just too much to resist.

Less than 15 minutes after Smith-Schuster had left his house, the little dog was somehow able to put one leg through the bars and give himself a leg-up over the barrier.

For a dog, Boujee is extremely athletic. He gives himself a running start and then takes a leap to try and get himself over the bar
Juju Smith-Schuster set up a camera to film his dog while he was out because he kept on escaping. He wanted to find out how

Smith-Schuster set up a camera to film his dog while he was out because he kept on escaping and wanted to find out exactly how he was doing it.

At one point its looked as though the pooch wouldn’t make it with two of his legs over the side and two more dangling beneath him.

Boujee looked around and managed to gain some traction in order to push himself towards a soft landing and some sweet rewards on the bed.

The fluffy blanket managed to cushion his fall as he landed but Boujee then quickly turned back around an stealthily approached the table.

He saw the bright yellow packet of Starburst glowing ahead of him – waiting for him almost like a pot of gold at the end of his challenge.

Boujee is 100 per cent committed to the task at hand and can't be distracted 
The pooch managed to make a perfect landing on the side of the bed thanks to a soft blanket

The cute dog began to sniff… and seek out the sweet sugary goodness of Starburst Mini’s from within.

‘I was wondering for the longest time how my dog Boujee was getting out of his cage…look what happens #PrisonBreak’ Smith-Schuster wrote on Instagram.

‘I just put my phone down and I was like I have to record this because he’s been getting out of his cage so when I come home I’m like ‘dude how are you getting out of your cage?” he said. ‘And I left my phone recording him and left the room for 13 minutes but he got out in like six minutes. And I was like ‘wow this kid, he’s smart.”  he told USA Today.

Then it's time to examine the bag where that sweet and fruity smell is coming from

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