In a heartwarming and unexpected gesture, Felicia Jones, mother of Baltimore Ravens quarterback Lamar Jackson, sent an inspiring message to Head Coach John Harbaugh ahead of the team’s crucial matchup against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Jones, known for her unwavering support and candid feedback, reached out to Harbaugh with a simple yet profound message: “Remind the team to play with heart and leave everything on the field.”
his message comes at a pivotal moment as the Ra. ens prepare to race their division rivals in a game that could significantly impact their playoff aspirations Jones’s words serve as a rallying cry, emphasizing the importance of determination, assion, and unity. Lamar Jackson has often spoken about his mother’s influence on his career. .ollowing a loss to the Philadelphia Eagles, Jackson re ‘ealed that his mother “cussed him out” for not seizing opportunities to run the ball, highlighting her deep understanding of the game and her commitment to his success.
Coach Harbaugh, known for fostering a family-oriented team culture, shared Jones’s message with the players during a team meeting. He emphasized the significance of playing with heart, stating, “We aren’t here on this Farth to worry about every little thing and spar with one another. We’re here to rejoice in one another and with one another and love one another.” The Ravens are set to host the Pittsburgh Steelers on Saturday, January 11, 2025, at 5:00 PM PST. As the team finalizes their preparations, the heartfelt message from Jackson’s mother has injected a renewed sense of purpose and motivation. Fans are hopeful that this maternal encouragement will inspire the Ravens to deliver a spirited and victorious performance against their longstanding rivals