In the bustling city of Udaipur, India, a mother dog was doing her best to care for her puppies in a unique home—a garbage-filled pit next to a local business. When nearby shopkeepers noticed she was injured, bleeding from broken glass shards, they reached out to Animal Aid Unlimited for help.
Despite her obvious discomfort, the mother dog began wagging her tail as soon as she saw the animal ambulance arriving. She even stood up to greet them, perhaps sensing that these people were there to assist, showing no signs of fear, only gratitude.
Animal Aid Unlimited transported her to their shelter, where they treated her injured hind leg and provided care for both her and her puppies. Nestling into a comfortable bed must have been a welcome relief after sleeping on broken glass and empty cans.
While Animal Aid tended to the mother and her puppies, some of their staff revisited her makeshift shelter next to the store and cleaned it up. They removed the garbage, laid a floor, and covered it with mats to make it more comfortable.
Then came the time to take the mother dog back to her home next to the store. “In India, there are millions of ownerless animals on the streets and hardly anyone to adopt them,” noted Animal Aid on their Facebook page. So, they returned her to the spot where she had stayed, accompanied by her lactating puppies and a few large bags of food.
“We got the shopkeepers fully involved in this heartwarming effort, and they promised to ensure she had clean bedding, feed her and her growing angels, and, of course, alert us immediately if she or her kids ever needed our help again,” Animal Aid shared on Facebook.
This story is a testament to the compassion and dedication of those who strive to provide the best possible life for animals in need, even when permanent homes may be scarce.