Mystery Revealed: “The Secret Inside Egypt’s 4,600-Year-Old Pyramid and the Journey to the Pharaohs’ Afterlife (Videos)”

The pyramids of Egypt are one of the last wonders of the modern world. Let’s take a look at the four most famous to see what’s there. The pyramids of Egypt are among the most magnificent structures of all time. Built over 4,600 years ago, they had enormous cultural significance in ancient Egypt, as they served as royal tombs where beloved pharaohs were buried. Sometimes members of the pharaoh’s family were also buried with them in the same tomb or in smaller satellite tombs nearby. The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh’s spirit remained with his body after death, and these huge monuments were a safe passage for this spirit to pass on to the next life, headed for heaven.


Inside the pyramid, the Egyptians kept valuable objects such as gold, jewelry, and pottery, as well as statues of the pharaoh, who they believed they would take with them on their journey to the afterlife. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most famous Egyptian pyramids and the leaders of the dynasty found inside.

1. The Egyptian pyramid of Zoser


The oldest known pyramid in existence is the Egyptian Pyramid of Zoser, also known as the Step Pyramid, built in 2650 BC at Saqqara. Beneath its massive structure, the great King Zoser was buried in a vault. Zoser was the king of the Third Diasty of Egypt, known for being the pioneer of the construction of staircase buildings, monuments and temples. Typically, 11 of Djoser’s daughters were found in the chamber of this Egyptian pyramid next to him. A limestone statue of Djoser found at the site gives some clues about his appearance. Before Djoser’s excavation, mastabas were the accepted form of excavation. These were rectangular structures made of dried clay bricks that covered the underground chamber where the bodies were deposited. Djoser’s vizier, or closest advisor, Imhotep, conceived the first pyramid-shaped stacked mastaba for his great king, to celebrate his masterful effort in building construction.

2. The Great Pyramid of Giza


The majestic structure that makes up the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in 2589 BC to house the Egyptian king Khopho. His king, Hepotseus, was located next to him. Khopho was one of the most powerful rulers in Egypt during the majestic Fourth Diasty of Egypt. Not much is known about King Khυpi, and only a small ivory statue survives from his altar, which measures just 7.5 cm high – a surprising contrast to the scale of his Egyptian pyramid. We can glean a few tidbits from his accounts: the Greek historian Herodotus described Khυpi as an evil leader who used slave labour and prostituted his own daughter. But the Westcar Papyri offer an alternative view, describing Khôfôs as a traditional monarch who was kind, inquisitive, and drawn to nature and magic. Khôfôs speaks at length of his power by placing the pyramid that would secure his empire, and is the ultimate testament to his powers in harnessing the human power of his people.

3. The Egyptian pyramid of Khafre


King Khafre was the son of King Khufu, so it makes sense that his Egyptian chamber was located near his father’s. The Egyptian pyramid of Khafre was erected in his hospice around 2494 BC. Nearby, the Great Sphix is located next to the road leading to Khafre’s temple, suggesting that this massive statue was also carved in Khafre’s hospice. What remains of the Sphix’s face gives us an idea of what Khafre may have looked like. Herodotus described Khafre as an Egyptian king, but the description suggests that Egypt prospered from his empire, ensuring several successful trade routes.

4. The Pyramid of MekaŅre


The Pyramid of Mekaυre is the smallest of the three Egyptian pyramids at Giza, about half the height of its neighbors. King Mekaυre, leader of the Egyptian qipaty, lay beneath its surface. He was a descendant of King Khofu and a descendant of King Khafre, so it makes sense that he was next to his ancestors. In contrast to his family, all accounts suggest that Mekkare was a king, a pious leader. In 1910, a perfectly preserved statue was found in the valley temple of Mekkare depicting a young man and woman. Because of the location where it was found, it is widely believed to be Mekkare and his wife, Queen Khamererbety II (who was buried in the nearby mastaba). If this statue really belongs to the famous couple, it gives us an idea of their appearance and a tantalizing glimpse of the past.


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